Mahasamadhi of beloved Gurudev Shri Chandra Swamiji Udasin


On 9th March, 2024, our beloved Gurudev, Param Pujya Chandra Swamiji Udasin, the embodiment of divine knowledge and love, the foundation of our lives, took Mahasamadhi very peacefully at the age of 94 at Sadhana Kendra Ashram amidst the chanting of God's name. After guiding thousands of seekers on the spiritual path for many decades, he made the conscious decision that his body had served the purpose for which it had come, and thus he gave up food, water and medicine and willfully shed his mortal sheath.

Despite the pain of his physical absence, devotees and ashramites continue to feel his silent, mystical Presence and divine Grace guiding them at every step. He himself has given us the powerful assurance:

“The Guru never dies. The Guru guides the disciples even after he has left the physical body. Follow your Guru’s teachings. He is always with you. Remain open to him. He will keep guiding you.”

A description of Gurudev's divine life and his conscious departure from this earthly plane has been published in Hindi (p.1) and English (p.27) along with more than 200 photos in the recent Mahasamadhi Special Edition of our ashram magazine, Bhuman Shah Sandesh:

Mahasamadhi Special Edition of Bhuman Shah Sandesh

"A sage never dies. He has realized his true and essential Being which is beyond death, beyond disease. He has realized his immortal and eternal Being. Birth, disease, old age and death belong to the physical body, but the sage has transcended the body-consciousness."

- Chandra Swami Udasin